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Who We Are

” Teamwork Dedicated to Excellence “

Vi-Link Team at NAB Show 2003

Vi-Link Video Transmisson System in Utah OTC

Vi-Link Traffic Control Optical Data Modem in City of Norfolk, Viginia

Vi-Link was founded in 1993 with the mission of designing and manufacturing high quality fiber optic digital transmission products. Using our engineering’ combined over hundred years of fiber optic design and product development experience – Gained while building some of the fiber industry’s leading companies – The Vi-Link technical staff has developed a broad range of innovative fiber-based solutions. Their work has benefited many of today’s technology any aerospace giants, as well as several fiber-optic equipment manufactures.
From 2018 the Vi-link sale staffs have provided full package services including project proposals and engineering services to none Vi-link equipment in the same project. This addition feature did allow our customers a high level of confident in using Vi-link Equipment.
Beginning of 2020 Vi-Link engineers are developing a full range of 1/4/8/16/18 High Quality 3G HD SDI Digital Video with 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet and RS-232/422 Control Data over one single mode fiber optic cable
Among our latest development is a comprehensive line of standard protocol SFP transmitting up to 160 Gigabits per system and network products for a wide variety of the following fiber optic applications:

How can we assist

We are here to help you with any

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What is Vi-Link?

Vi-Link is a company that specializes in designing and manufacturing high quality fiber optic digital transmission products.

What services does Vi-Link

Vi-Link provides a broad range of innovative fiber-based solutions, including project proposals and engineering services.

Who can benefit from Vi-Link’s products?

Vi-Link’s products benefit technology and aerospace giants, as well as fiber-optic equipment manufacturers.

How can I contact Vi-Link?

You can contact Vi-Link by reaching out to our sales staff, who provide full package services and

Where can I find more information about

For more information about Vi-Link and our comprehensive line of fiber optic products, please visit our website.

How can Vi-Link help with my application

Vil-Link can help meet your fiber optic needs with our range of high-quality products